
Vectors are data structures that are very similar to lists in that they arrange data in linear fashion. Vectors differ from lists in two significant ways: Unlike lists, vectors are indexed and vectors are mutable.

Introduction: Deficiencies of Lists

As you’ve seen in many of the procedures and programs we’ve written so far, there are many problems in which we have to deal with collections of information. We have several techniques for representing collections of data:

  • We can represent the collection as a list.
  • We can represent the collection as a nested list.
  • We can store the collection in a file.

Representing a collection as a list has some problems. In particular, it is relatively expensive to get a particular element and it is equally expensive to change a particular element. Why is it expensive to get an element (say, the tenth element)? In the case of a list, we need to follow the car of each pair through the list until we reach the element. In the case of a tree, we need to figure out how many values are in the left subtree to decide where to look. Changing an element may be even worse, because once we’ve reached the position, we need to build the structure back to a new form.

Does this mean that lists and other similar structures are inappropriate ways to represent collections? Certainly not. Rather, they work very well for some purposes (e.g., it is easy to extend a list) and less well for other purposes (e.g., extracting and changing).

To resolve these deficiencies, Scheme provides an alternate mechanism for representing collections, the vector.

Indexing, a key feature of vectors

You may have noted that when we use lists to group data (e.g., the count of the words in a book), we need to use list-ref or repeated calls to cdr to get later elements of the list. Unfortunately, list-ref works by cdr‘ing down the list. Hence, it takes about five steps to get to the fifth element of the list and about one hundred steps to get to the one hundredth element of a list. Similarly, to get to the fifth element of a file, we’ll need to read the preceding elements and to get to the hundredth element, we’ll also need to read through the preceding elements. It would be nicer if we could access any element of the group of data in the same amount of time (preferably a small amount of time).

Vectors address this problem. Vectors contain a fixed number of elements and provide indexed access (also called random access) to those elements, in the sense that each element, regardless of its position in the vector, can be recovered in the same amount of time. In this respect, a vector differs from a list or a file: The initial element of a list is immediately accessible, but subsequent elements are increasingly difficult and time-consuming to access.

Mutation, another key feature of vectors

You may have also noted that we occasionally want to change an element of a group of data (e.g., to change a student’s grade in the structure we use to represent that student; to update a count). When we use lists, we essentially need to build a new list to change one element. When we use files, we often have to build a new file, copying both preceding and subsequent values.

Vectors are mutable data structures: It is possible to replace an element of a vector with a different value, just as one can take out the contents of a container and put in something else instead. It’s still the same vector after the replacement, just as the container retains its identity no matter how often its contents are changed.

The particular values that a vector contains at some particular moment constitute its state. One could summarize the preceding paragraph by saying that the state of a vector can change and that state changes do not affect the underlying identity of the vector.

Vector procedures

Standard Scheme provides the following fundamental procedures for creating vectors and selecting and replacing their elements. You’ll find that many of them correspond to similar list procedures.


The constructor vector takes any number of arguments and assembles them into a vector, which it returns.

(vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma")
; Note: this is the empty vector!
(define beta 2)
(vector "alpha" beta (list "gamma" 3) (vector "delta" 4) (vector "epsilon"))

As the last example shows, Scheme vectors, like Scheme lists, can be heterogeneous, containing elements of various types.


The make-vector procedure takes two arguments, a natural number k and a Scheme value obj, and returns a k-element vector in which each position is occupied by obj.

(make-vector 12 "foo")
(make-vector 4 0)
(make-vector 0 4)


The type predicate vector? takes any Scheme value as argument and determines whether it is a vector.

(vector? (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma"))
(vector? (list "alpha" "beta" "gamma"))
(vector? "alpha beta gamma")


The vector-length procedure takes one argument, which must be a vector, and returns the number of elements in the vector. Unlike the length procedure for lists, which must look through the whole list to find the length, vector-length can immediately determine the length of a vector.

(vector-length (vector 3 1 4 1 5 9))
(vector-length (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma"))
(vector-length (vector))


The selector vector-ref takes two arguments—a vector vec and a natural number k (which must be less than the length of vec). It returns the element of vec that is preceded by exactly k other elements. In other words, if k is 0, you get the element that begins the vector; if k is 1, you get the element after that; and so on.

(vector-ref (vector 3 1 4 1 5 9) 4)
(vector-ref (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma") 0)
(vector-ref (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma") 2)

vector->list and list->vector

The vector->list procedure takes any vector as argument and returns a list containing the same elements in the same order; the list->vector procedure performs the converse operation.

(vector->list (vector 31 27 16))
(vector->list (vector))
(list->vector (list #\a #\b #\c))
(list->vector (list 31 27 16))

Mutation and Sequencing

The functions for vectors that we have looked at so far operate similarly to any other functions we’ve encountered so far: they take inputs and produce outputs. However, the following functions behave differently: they produce side-effects. A side-effect is any kind of effect a function produces beyond the value that it returns, if any. The kind of effects we’ll see here with vectors are mutation effects. We can change the values contained in a vector directly without rebuilding the vector as with lists.

Mutation potentially gives us significant gains in terms of performance. However, this performance comes at a price: we lose the reasoning benefits associated with pure, functional programming! We’ll discuss this point—perhaps the point of the course—in our next reading on side-effects.


All of the previous procedures look a lot like list procedures, except that many are more efficient (e.g., vector? and vector-length take a constant number of steps; list? takes a number of steps proportional to the length of the list and list-ref takes a number of steps proportional to the index). Now let’s see a procedure that’s much different. We can use procedures to change vectors.

The mutator vector-set! takes three arguments – a vector vec, a natural number k (which must be less than the length of vec), and a Scheme value obj – and replaces the element of vec that is currently in the position indicated by k with obj. This changes the state of the vector irreversibly; there is no way to find out what used to be in that position after it has been replaced.

It is a Scheme convention to place an exclamation point meaning “Proceed with caution!” at the end of the name of any procedure that makes such an irreversible change in the state of an object.

The value returned by vector-set! is unspecified; one calls vector-set! only for its side effect on the state of its first argument.

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))
(vector-set! sample-vector 2 "zeta")
(vector-set! sample-vector 0 "foo")
(vector-set! sample-vector 2 -38.72)


The vector-fill! procedure takes two arguments, the first of which must be a vector. It changes the state of that vector, replacing each of the elements it formerly contained with the second argument.

(define sample-vector (vector "rho" "sigma" "tau" "upsilon"))
(vector-fill! sample-vector "kappa")

The vector-fill! procedure is invoked only for its side effect and returns an unspecified value.

Sequencing with begin

As you can above, we make multiple top-level calls to vector-set! and vector-fill! to mutate sample-vector. However, suppose we wish to put this behavior in a function. Writing a function that makes multiple function calls like this does not work:

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))

(define mutate-vector
  (lambda (vec)
    (vector-set! vec 2 "zeta")
    (vector-set! vec 0 "foo")
    (vector-set! vec 2 -38.72)))


(mutate-vector sample-vector)

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))

(define mutate-vector
  (lambda (vec)
    (vector-set! vec 2 "zeta")
    (vector-set! vec 0 "foo")
    (vector-set! vec 2 -38.72)))


(mutate-vector sample-vector)


We receive a syntax error! Why? Recall that the syntax of a lambda is:

(lambda (<args>) <expr>)

Where the body of the lambda form is a single expression. This is problematic because we need to be able to specify a sequence of expressions to execute, not just one!

One trick we might consider is to abuse a let* binding to execute each of the desired vector-set! calls in sequence:

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))

(define mutate-vector
  (lambda (vec)
      ([x (vector-set! vec 2 "zeta")]
       [y (vector-set! vec 0 "foo")]
       [z (vector-set! vec 2 -38.72)])


(mutate-vector sample-vector)


The void value is a value that we can return from a function to indicate that the function does not return a meaningful value. This is necessary here because we use mutate-vector solely for its side-effects: mutating the contents of the input vector vec. We don’t need this function to return any particular values as output!

While this “works,” the code is highly undesirable. In particular, we know that the bindings x, y, and z should not be used—they are void as well! Nevertheless, the let* construct requires us to include them. Instead, we need a language construct that allows us to specify a sequence of expressions to execute without having to bind additional names. This is precisely the purpose of the begin expression:

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))

(define mutate-vector
  (lambda (vec)
      (vector-set! vec 2 "zeta")
      (vector-set! vec 0 "foo")
      (vector-set! vec 2 -38.72))))


(mutate-vector sample-vector)


The begin expression takes any number of expressions and executes those expressions in-order. The values produced by each expression except the last is discarded, and the begin evaluates to whatever value that the final expression evaluates to. In our case above, begin produces void as output from the final call to vector-set!.

begin allows us to clearly indicate when we intend to use side-effects in our program. Since begin discards the produced values of all of its expressions except the last, we know that the only purpose of those expressions must be to produce side-effects like mutating vectors! Thus, using begin makes our code more readable.

With this in mind, we recommend always wrapping out vector-mutating code in a begin expression, even at the top-level. Thus, we would re-write our original example as:

(define sample-vector (vector "alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon"))
  (vector-set! sample-vector 2 "zeta")
  (vector-set! sample-vector 0 "foo")
  (vector-set! sample-vector 2 -38.72))

Note that a pleasant side-effect of using sample-vector is that we effectively remove all but one of the extraneous void values from our output!

Self checks

Check 1: Creating simple vectors (‡)

a. Create and define a vector, tn1 that contains the two values 35 and "hi" by using the vector procedure.

b. Create and define a vector, tn2, that contains the same two values by using the make-vector and vector-set! procedures as top-level expressions.

c. Create and define a vector, tn3, that contains the same two values by using the make-vector and vector-set! procedures contained in a single let binding that, first, makes the vector and then uses a begin block to mutate the vector.