Tail Recursion

So far, we have not dwelled too much on program efficiency. By program efficiency, we mean two qualities:

  • Time efficiency: how long a program takes to run?
  • Space efficiency: how much memory does a program consume during execution?

We will cover efficiency in depth in later courses. However, today we’ll cover a particular problem of efficiency as it pertains to recursion and functional programming. Our solution to this problem, tail recursion, is a fundamental part of every functional programming language.

Blowing the Stack

Consider the function (make-list n v) which makes a list of n copies of v, implemented recursively:

(define make-list
  (lambda (n v)
    (if (= n 0)
        (cons v (make-list (- n 1) v)))))

And let’s trace its execution on an example:

     (make-list 5 "z")
-->* (cons "z" (make-list 4 "z"))
-->* (cons "z" (cons "z" (make-list 3 "z")))
-->* (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (make-list 2 "z"))))
-->* (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (make-list 1 "z")))))
-->* (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (make-list 0 "z"))))))
-->* (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" null)))))
-->* (list "z" "z" "z" "z" "z")

Observe the “essence” of this computation: for every element of the input list, we “pop out” a (cons "z" ...) call. These cons calls do not immediately evaluate! Instead, we continue making recursive calls until we hit the base case. It isn’t until after this point that we evaluate the five cons calls that we accumulate along the way.

Looking at the trace, we see that if we pass in n to make-list, after k calls of make-list, we will have n-k pending calls to cons built up as we continue with the recursion:

(cons "z" (cons "z" (cons "z" ... (cons "z" (make-list (- n k) "z")))))
\                                         /

Observe that our mental model of computation suggests that our computer must store these pending calls somewhere! Each (cons "z" ...) call represents the work that a particular call to make-list must do after it makes its recursive call. Indeed, behind the scenes, our program maintains a call stack, the collection of currently active function calls that are waiting to complete. The call stack contains a stack frame for each active function call that records the information necessary for that function to continue when any function calls it makes finishes execution.

For five elements, this additional work does not seem to be a problem, but imagine if we tried to call make-list with, say, n = 1000000. We would need allocate a million stack frames to perform this computation! To put this into context, let’s imagine that a single stack frame, for simplicity’s sake, is only 4 bytes big, an underestimate. (A byte, or 8 bits, is an elementary unit of data in a computer system.) We would need to allocate \(1000000 * 4 = 4000000\) or 4 megabytes (MB) of stack frames. It turns out that most programming language runtimes only allow for stacks to grow to, at most, several megabytes, so that the system’s memory can be used for other tasks.

When we run out of stack space to record active function calls, our programs raise a stack overflow error indicating that it has run out of memory! These physical limits of memory become a problem in functional programming because we use recursion to perform our repetitive tasks. While we haven’t encountered this problem yet, real-world programs might process data that contains millions or even billions of elements. Naively performing recursive computation in these situations simply does not work!

(As an aside, stack overflow errors are precisely why we haven’t seen “true” infinite loops in our programs. In virtually all of the recursive functions we’ve written so far, we would overflow the stack with an infinite loop, causing an error!)

Tail Recursion

Consider this alternative version of make-list:

(define make-list
  (lambda (so-far n v)
    (if (= n 0)
        (make-list (cons v so-far) (- n 1) v))))

This version of make-list takes an extra argument, so-far, that represents the result of the function accumulated so far in its execution. Let’s trace execution of this function on the same example. Note that we pass so-far the initial value of null capturing the fact that, initially, we have not yet done any computation.

     (make-list null 5 "z")
-->* (make-list (cons "z" null) (- 5 1) "z")
-->* (make-list (list "z") 4 "z")
-->* (make-list (cons (list "z")) (- 4 1) "z")
-->* (make-list (list "z" "z") 3 "z")
-->* (make-list (cons "z" (list "z" "z")) (- 3 1) "z")
-->* (make-list (list "z" "z" "z") 2 "z")
-->* (make-list (cons "z" (list "z" "z" "z")) (- 2 1) "z")
-->* (make-list (list "z" "z" "z" "z") 1 "z")
-->* (make-list (cons "z" (list "z" "z" "z" "z")) (- 1 1) "z")
-->* (make-list (list "z" "z" "z" "z" "z") 0 "z")
-->* (list "z" "z" "z" "z" "z")

Observe how the “computation” occurs on the so-far argument rather than the result of the recursive call. We incrementally cons on an additional "z" onto so-far for each recursive call to the function. This cons is resolved before the next call to make-list is made.

Critically, because we evaluate arguments before calling functions, each recursive call of make-list perform its computation before it makes its recursive call. As evidenced by our derivation, there is no work to do after the recursive call. Such a pattern of recursion is called tail recursion and a function that exhibits this behavior is said to be in tail-recursive form.

::: definition Definition (Tail-Recursive Form): a function is in tail-recursive form if, for every recursive function call that it makes, that no additional work is performed after that call. In other words, a tail recursive function immediately returns the result of any recursive call that it makes. :::

The second version of make-list is in tail-recursive form because it simply returns the result of its recursive call in its else-branch. In contrast, the first make-list is not in tail-recursive form because it performs a (cons ...) call after it makes its recursive call.

Importantly, when a recursive function is in tail-recursive form, our language can perform an important optimization called tail-call optimization. If we look at our trace of the second make-list call, we see that our executing program never “grows” like the first case. Behind the scenes, this means that we do not need to keep around each stack frame for a tail-recursive call because we perform no work after that call is made—we simply return whatever the recursive call returns. This is strictly more efficient in terms of memory usage than regular recursive calls!

Tail-call optimization is so important in functional programming that most functional programming languages mandate that their interpreters and compilers must perform tail-call optimization so that programs can perform unbounded recursion, provided that functions are written in tail-call style. Scamper does not yet support tail-call optimization—it turns out to be quite a non-trivial program transformation behind the scenes. But this pattern is prevalent enough in real-world functional programming that it is important to internalize, even without the benefits!

Converting Functions to Tail-recursive Form

We can see that make-list can be rewritten in tail recursive form. What about other recursive functions? Let’s revisit the list length function:

(define length
  (lambda (l)
    (match l
      [null 0]
      [(cons _ tail) (+ 1 (length l))])))

length is not in tail-recursive form because it performs additional computation after its recursive call, (+ 1 ...). Our goal in converting functions to tail-recursive form is to ensure that the function immediately returns the result of any recursive calls that it makes. Or to put it another way, we need to rewrite length so that it performs no additional computation after its recursive calls.

The key to this transformation is transferring any work done after a recursive call to before the recursive call, usually by performing that computation as an argument to the function. Such a transformation is impossible without modifying the signature of length. In particular, we’ll add an additional argument, conventionally named so-far, to perform this computation over. Observe how the (+ 1 ...) formally performed on the recursive call is moved to the so-far argument.

Additionally, we modify the base case to return so-far. When we hit the base case, we’re done with the computation If so-far is the work performed so far in the recursive computation, so-far should contain the completed computation at the base case, so we return it directly.

Finally, we create a wrapper function that calls our recursive function, but with an appropriate initial argument for so-far. This wrapper function becomes the length function that users call, and we call the recursive function the helper function that does the actual work. The initial value for so-far is the value returned by the base case in the original version of the function.

(define length-helper
  (lambda (so-far l)
    (match l
      [null so-far]
      [(cons _ tail) (length-helper (+ 1 so-far) tail)])))

(define length
  (lambda (l)
    (length-helper 0 l)))

(length (list 1 2 3 4 5))

It is instructive to state the recursive decomposition of length-helper and compare it to our decomposition of length:

  • length

    The length of a list l:

    • If l is empty, then the length of l is zero.
    • If l is non-empty, then the length of l is one plus the length of its tail.
  • length-helper

    The length of a list l provided we computed the length so-far:

    • If l is empty, then the length is the length we computed so-far.
    • If l is non-empty, then the length is the length of the tail, observing we have computed one plus so-far for the length.

When decomposing a problem recursively in a tail-call style, we define the computation in terms of what has been computed “so far.”

Generalizing Tail-call Conversion

While it is not obvious, it turns out that we can convert any recursive function into tail-recursive form by following the pattern we outlined above:

  1. Create a recursive helper function that does the actual work of the function. This function should take an additional argument, so-far, that records the results of the computation before recursive calls are made.
  2. Define the recursive helper function similarly to the original function, except:
    • The base case should return so-far since so-far should contain the overall result at this point in the computation.
    • The recursive case should have any work it does after its recursive calls moved to the so-far argument passed to those recursive calls.
  3. Create a wrapper function with the target function’s signature that simply calls the helper with a suitable initial value for the so-far argument.

In our examples, so-far has been a simple value that we’ve updated. More generally, we can expect so-far to become a function that represents the accumulated work to be done so far. In this formulation, so-far is called a continuation and the transformation is called continuation-passing style (CPS) where every function accept its continuation, i.e., what to do after the function completes execution. While seemingly weird and unnatural, it turns out continuation-passing style is useful in many contexts, even outside of functional programming. For example, CPS is employed as a pattern in Javascript for writing asynchronous, callback-based code.

Self Checks

Exercise 1: Tracing Tail-recursive Functions

Use your mental model of evaluation to give a step-by-step trace of (length (list 1 2 3 4 5)) for both the non-tail-recursive and tail-recursive versions of length, demonstrating that the former implementation requires work done after each recursive call and the latter does not.

Exercise 2: Tail-recursive Decompositions

Give prose-based recursive decompositions for the original make-list function and its tail-recursive variant.

Exercise 3: Tail-recursive Append (‡)

Translate the standard implementation of append into tail-recursive form:

(define append
  (lambda (l1 l2)
    (match l1
      [null l2]
      [(cons head tail) (cons head (append tail l2))])))

(append (list 1 2 3)
        (list 4 5))