Algorithms for sorting lists and vectors

We consider a variety of techniques used to put a list or vector in order, using a binary comparison operation to determine the ordering of pairs of elements.

The problem of sorting

Sorting a collection of values—arranging them in a fixed order, usually alphabetical or numerical—is one of the most common computing applications. When the number of values is even moderately large, sorting is such a tiresome, error-prone, and time-consuming process for human beings that the programmer should automate it whenever possible. For this reason, computer scientists have studied this application with extreme care and thoroughness.

One of the clear results of their investigations is that no one algorithm for sorting is best in all cases. Which approach is best depends on whether one is sorting a small collection or a large one, on whether the individual elements occupy a lot of storage (so that moving them around in memory is time-consuming), on how easy or hard it is to compare two elements to figure out which one should precede the other, and so on. In this course we’ll be looking at two of the most generally useful algorithms for sorting: insertion sort, which is the subject of this reading, and merge sort, which we will consider in another reading. In our general exploration of sorting, we may also discuss other sorting algorithms.

Imagine first that we’re given a collection of values and a rule for arranging them. The values might actually be stored in a list, vector, or file. Let’s assume first that they are in a list. The rule for arranging them typically takes the form of a predicate with two parameters that can be applied to any two values in the collection to determine whether the first of them could precede the second when the values have been sorted. (For example, if one wants to sort a collection of real numbers into ascending numerical order, the rule should be the predicate <=; if one wants to sort a collection of strings into alphabetical order, ignoring case, the rule should be string-ci<=?; if one wants to sort a collection of real numbers into descending numerical order, the rule should be >=; and so on.)

The insertion sort algorithm

As one might guess, the key operation in insertion sort is that of insertion. We envision separating the elements to be sorted into two collections: those that are not yet sorted, and those that are already sorted. We repeatedly insert one value from the unsorted collection into the proper place in the sorted collection. For now, we’ll assume we’re working with lists and then modify our resulting algorithm for vectors at the end of this reading.

Initially, we have an empty sorted collection and an unsorted collection consisting of all the elements in our list. By repeatedly inserting an element from the unsorted region into the sorted region, eventually all the elements of the list appear in the sorted region and are thus, sorted!

Let’s try executing this algorithm on a small example before we try to state it formally. Consider the following list of elements:

[4, 8, 1, 9, 10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

We’ll start with an empty sorted collection and the original list as the unsorted collection:

sorted:   []
unsorted: [4, 8, 1, 9, 10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

We will then repeatedly take one element from the unsorted list and place it into its proper position in the sorted list. Because our lists allow us to grad the head of the list efficiently via pattern matching, we’ll repeatedly pull the head of the unsorted list until we have sorted all of the elements.

Initially, 4 goes into the sorted region directly, resulting in the following updated lists:

sorted:   [4]
unsorted: [8, 1, 9, 10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

Next, we insert 8, which goes after 4 in the sorted region:

sorted:   [4, 8]
unsorted: [1, 9, 10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

And so forth! The procedure is the same for each new “head”: insert the head of the unsorted region into the sorted region (in sorted order). We’ll show the remaining steps:

sorted:   [1, 4, 8]
unsorted: [9, 10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 4, 8, 9]
unsorted: [10, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 4, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: [6, 2, 3, 7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: [2, 3, 7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: [3, 7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: [7, 5]

sorted:   [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: [5]

sorted:   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
unsorted: []

Inserting elements

The key to our algorithm is inserting an element into a sorted list. Suppose that we are midway through the execution of our insertion sort algorithm and we must insert 7 into the sorted list [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10]. Because we are operating over lists, we should envision a recursive algorithm over the structure of the sorted list.

To begin with, let’s consider the head of the full list, 1. Note that our primary function for building lists is cons which puts an element onto the front of a list. Thus, it does not make sense to cons 7 onto the front of the list starting with 1—the result would not be a sorted list! Thus, we should look to recursively insert into the tail of the list!

This process repeats as we discover that 7 is greater than 2, 3, 4, and 6. However, once we reach the sorted sublist with the head 8, we find that 7 is less than the head! Thus, it makes sense to cons 7 onto the front of this sublist. Recursively rebuilding the list results in the final sorted list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

Let’s write a recursive skeleton for this algorithm according to what we observed with our example:

  • To insert an element v into a sorted list l:
    • If l is empty, create a list only containing v.
    • Otherwise if l is non-empty, decompose l into its head and tail.
      • If v is less than or equal to the head, then cons v onto the front of l.
      • Otherwise, recursively insert v into the tail and cons the head onto the front of the result.

We can then translate our recursive skeleton directly into code:

;;; (insert-sorted-number l v) -> list?
;;;   l: list? of numbers, sorted
;;;   v: number?
;;; Insert a new value into a sorted list.
(define insert-sorted-number
  (lambda (l v)
    (match l
      [null (list v)]
      [(cons head tail)
       (if (<= v head)
           (cons v l)
           (cons head (insert-sorted-number tail v)))])))

(insert-sorted-number (list 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10) 7)

We can immediately generalize this insertion procedure to any type that has some sort of “less than” comparison operator, e.g., <= for numbers, string<=? for strings. We only need to add an additional parameter to insert-sorted: leq?, the binary comparison function used to compare elements of the list.

;;; (insert-sorted l v gt?) -> list?
;;;   l: list? of numbers, sorted
;;;   v: number?
;;;   leq?: procedure?, a binary function that performs an
;;;         "<=" operation for elements of l.
;;; Insert a new value into a sorted list.
(define insert-sorted
  (lambda (l v leq?)
    (match l
      [null (list v)]
      [(cons head tail)
       (if (leq? v head)
           (cons v l)
           (cons head (insert-sorted tail v leq?)))])))

(insert-sorted (list 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10) 7 <=)
(insert-sorted (list "a" "b" "c" "d" "f" "h" "i" "j") "g" string<=?)

Sorting a list

Let us now return to the overall process of sorting an entire list. The insertion sort algorithm simply takes up the elements of the list to be sorted one by one and inserts each one into a new list, which is initially empty. We can define a recursive skeleton for this sorting procedure using insert-sorted as a helper function. This recursive skeleton, the “kernel” of the insertion sort also takes the current sorted list as input, adding to it on each recursive call, and eventually outputting it once we have traversed through all of the elements of the list.

  • To insert the elements of unsorted list into sorted list:
    • If unsorted is empty, simply produce sorted.
    • If unsorted is non-empty with a head and tail, then insert-sorted the head into sorted and recursively insert the unsorted tail into the result.

insertion-sort then becomes a “husk” that calls this “kernel” with an initially empty sorted list. Ultimately, insert-sorted does the bulk of the work as we see in our implementation of this skeleton:

(define insert-sorted
  (lambda (l v leq?)
    (match l
      [null (list v)]
      [(cons head tail)
       (if (leq? v head)
           (cons v l)
           (cons head (insert-sorted tail v leq?)))])))

(define insertion-sort-helper
  (lambda (unsorted sorted leq?)
    (match unsorted
      [null sorted]
      [(cons head tail)
       (insertion-sort-helper tail (insert-sorted sorted head leq?) leq?)])))

(define insertion-sort
  (lambda (l leq?)
    (insertion-sort-helper l null leq?)))

(insertion-sort (list 4 8 1 9 10 6 2 3 7 5) <=)
(insertion-sort (list "d" "h" "a" "i" "j" "f" "b" "c" "g" "e") string<=?)
(insertion-sort (list 4 8 1 9 10 6 2 3 7 5) >=)
(insertion-sort (list "d" "h" "a" "i" "j" "f" "b" "c" "g" "e") string>=?)

In the last two cases, observe that by switching the comparison function, we can obtain different effects. For example, we can use a greater-than comparison to sort the list in reverse order, i.e., largest to smallest, a nice side-effect of making our functions more generalizable!

The costs of insertion sort

Now that we’ve established the insertion sort algorithm, we can analyze its computational complexity. When we previously analyzed functions, we counted the number of recursive calls they made since recursion dominated their runtime. Traditionally, when we analyze comparison-based sorting algorithms like insertion sort, we instead count the number of comparisons that the algorithm makes. This is because while we expect that different sorting algorithms will perform different operations, ultimately all comparison-based sorting algorithms make their decisions by comparing elements.

If we look at the implementation of insertion-sort, we see that the function itself does not make any comparisons! Instead, it is the repeated calls to insert-sorted that make comparisons. Thus, our analysis of insertion-sort is ultimately an analysis of its helper function, insert-sorted.

How many comparisons does insert-sorted make? Let’s instrument the function and try some examples:

(define count (vector 0))
(define inc-count (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 (+ 1 (vector-ref count 0)))))
(define get-count (lambda () (vector-ref count 0)))
(define reset-count! (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 0)))

(define insert-sorted
  (lambda (l v leq?)
    (match l
      [null (list v)]
      [(cons head tail)
         ; The comparison happens in the non-empty case.
         (if (leq? v head)
             (cons v l)
             (cons head (insert-sorted tail v leq?))))])))

(define count-comparisons
  (lambda (l v leq?)
      (let* ([result (insert-sorted l v leq?)])
        (pair result (get-count))))))

(count-comparisons (list 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10) 7 <=)
(count-comparisons (list 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10) 0 <=)
(count-comparisons (list 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10) 50 <=)

From these examples, we can see that the number of comparisons that any particular insert-sorted call makes depends on its inputs! In particular:

  • In the second case, the element to be inserted is smaller than any other element in the sorted list. Consequently, only a single comparison is necessary.
  • In the third case, the element to be inserted is greater than any other element in the sorted list. However, the algorithm doesn’t know this upfront! It, instead, must compare the inserted element against every element in the list to discover that it needs to insert at the end.

These extremes represent the best and worst case scenarios for insert-sorted. Note that we can do no better than one comparison and no worse than comparing against every element in the list!

The first example, in contrast, reflects the “average” case. On average, we expect the insertion point to float somewhere in the middle of the list, sometimes a little above the midway point, sometimes a little less. Note that “average” here is a debatable term as the “average” list may have a different distribution of elements depending on the task at hand. Nevertheless we use “average” to try to characterize the situation when there are no specific domain-specific constraints on the inputs.

So which of these cases—best, average, worst—should we use to analyze the complexity of insert-sorted?

  • The best case scenario where only one comparison is necessary paints a optimistic view of the function. It is useful to know that this scenario exists, but we tend to want to be more pessimistic in our analyses to “cover our bases,” so to speak.
  • The average case scenario where we compare against approximately half of the elements of the list reflects what we expect “on average.” But as discussed previously, this may not reflect reality if our problem puts particular constraints on the input lists.
  • The worst case scenario where we compare against every element in the list is, indeed, pessimistic. It is important to know we can’t do worse than this scenario, but it may occur rarely, so it is more a technicality than a reality.

In short, analyzing all three cases has their merits, and we should certainly consider all three. However, understanding the worst case scenario for our algorithms, i.e., establishing upper bounds on complexity, gives us particularly useful guarantees when analyzing algorithms. So we’ll focus the remainder of our discussion on understanding sorting algorithms in terms of their worst case scenarios.

With the worst case scenario for insert-sorted established, let’s consider the complexity of insertion-sort. First, we must establish when the worst case scenario for insertion-sort occurs. The worst case scenario arises when every call to insert-sorted is the worst-case—inserting an element larger than any other element in the sorted list.

When does this arise? This situation arises when the input list to insertion-sort is in sorted order already! Let’s step through the execution of insertion-sort on such a list to see this fact:

sorted:   []
unsorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

sorted:   [1]
unsorted: [2, 3, 4, 5]
(0 comparisons made so far)

sorted:   [1, 2]
unsorted: [3, 4, 5]
(0+1=1 comparison made so far)

sorted:   [1, 2, 3]
unsorted: [4, 5]
(1+2=3 comparisons made so far)

sorted:   [1, 2, 3, 4]
unsorted: [5]
(3+3=6 comparisons made so far)

sorted:   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
unsorted: []
(6+4=10 comparisons made so far)

Ick! We can see that the number comparisons quickly grows because as the sorted list grows, we have to traverse more and more elements repeatedly. Let’s look at some counts to get a sense of this growth:

(define count (vector 0))
(define inc-count (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 (+ 1 (vector-ref count 0)))))
(define get-count (lambda () (vector-ref count 0)))
(define reset-count! (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 0)))

(define insert-sorted
  (lambda (l v leq?)
    (match l
      [null (list v)]
      [(cons head tail)
         (if (leq? v head)
             (cons v l)
             (cons head (insert-sorted tail v leq?))))])))

(define insertion-sort-helper
  (lambda (unsorted sorted leq?)
    (match unsorted
      [null sorted]
      [(cons head tail)
       (insertion-sort-helper tail (insert-sorted sorted head leq?) leq?)])))

(define insertion-sort
  (lambda (l leq?)
    (insertion-sort-helper l null leq?)))

(define count-comparisons
  (lambda (l leq?)
      (insertion-sort l leq?)

(count-comparisons (range 1) <=)
(count-comparisons (range 5) <=)
(count-comparisons (range 10) <=)
(count-comparisons (range 50) <=)
(count-comparisons (range 100) <=)
(count-comparisons (range 200) <=)

Eek! The number of comparisons seems to grow very quickly as the size of the list grows. It turns out that we can compute this number precisely: if \(n\) is the size of the input list, then in the worst-case, insertion-sort will perform \(\frac{n^2 - n}{2}\) insertions! In other words, the number of comparisons we make grows quadratically in the size of the input. While computers are fast, if there, e.g., a million elements in our list—not an unreasonable number given the size of the data sets we process nowadays—we will perform:

\[\frac{1000000^2 - 1000000}{2} = 4999995000000\]

comparisons! This will take quite a bit of time, even on modern hardware. Can we do better than this?

The merge sort algorithm

When searching for an element in a list, we were able to do better than linear search by dividing and conquering. That is, we found a way to divide up the input vector in half and efficiently dealing with the resulting smaller sub-problem.

It turns out that there is a similar divide-and-conquer approach to sorting that will ultimately reduce in a far better algorithm than insertion sort. However, we’ll need to trust in our knowledge of recursion to design this algorithm properly!

Rather than starting with an example, let’s first try to sketch out a recursive skeleton for sorting, using divide-and-conquer as a starting point. We’ll proceed by recursion on the structure of the list l:

  • To sort a list l:
    • If l is empty or contains one element, l is already sorted.
    • If l has at least two elements in it …

As with all of our recursive functions, the base cases are simple as lists containing zero or one element are already sorted so no work needs to be done. If there are at least two elements in the list, we can now employ our divide-and-conquer strategy: let’s divide the list in half and recursively sort both halves.

  • To sort a list l:
    • If l is empty or contains one element, l is already sorted.
    • If l has at least two elements in it:
      • Divide l into two halves, l1 and l2, and sort them recursively.

How can we do this? Recall this is precisely what recursion gives us! We assume we can “solve the problem” for smaller sublists, here l1 and l2. The difficulty lies in putting together the solutions obtained from the recursive calls.

Let’s imagine that we are sorting a list that contained the numbers 1–10 and after recursively sorting the two halves of the list, we receive the following results:

[1, 3, 4, 7, 8]
[2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10]

Observe that we assume—our “recursive assumption”—that the results of the two recursive calls will be two lists, each of which are one of the halves, but sorted.

How do we combine these two lists into a list that is the sorted, complete list? We just need to merge the two sorted lists together in an efficiency way! Luckily, because they are sorted, this is efficient to implement.

Let’s imagine performing this merge operation on the two lists above. Like insertion sort, we will insert the elements of these two lists, call them l1, and l2, into a sorted result, initially empty:

l1:     [1, 3, 4, 7, 8]
l2:     [2, 5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: []

What element should go into sorted first? Our key observation is that because l1 and l2 are sorted, it is sufficient to only look at the heads of the two lists to determine what to add next to sorted. This is because the heads of the lists must be the two smallest elements of the lists under consideration!

In our particular example, we’ll add 1 from l1 first, producing this updated diagram:

l1:     [3, 4, 7, 8]
l2:     [2, 5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: [1]

We now repeat the process, repeatedly adding the smaller of l1 and l2 to sorted. Let’s continue that process until we empty one of the lists:

l1:     [3, 4, 7, 8]
l2:     [2, 5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: [1]

l1:     [3, 4, 7, 8]
l2:     [5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2]

l1:     [4, 7, 8]
l2:     [5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3]

l1:     [7, 8]
l2:     [5, 6, 9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4]

l1:     [7, 8]
l2:     [6, 7, 9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

l1:     [7, 8]
l2:     [9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

l1:     [8]
l2:     [9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

l1:     []
l2:     [9, 10]
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Finally, we arrived at the point where one of l1, and l2 are exhausted! The remaining list, l2, is already sorted and must be equal to or larger than the elements in sorted, so it should be safe to simply append them to end of sorted, completing the merge process:

l1:     []
l2:     []
sorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Let’s try to write a recursive skeleton for this merge operation based on what we observed. Unlike other functions we have written, this function requires that we perform case analysis on the two input lists, l1 and l2 simultaneously. Otherwise, the definition of the skeleton is similar to sorted-insert in that we’ll write this skeleton as a “kernel” that also maintains the sorted list. sorted starts empty and eventually contains the elements of l1 and l2, but in sorted order.

There is also one final caveat we need to consider. In our merge algorithm, we added elements to the end of sorted, not the front. Note that adding to the end of a list requires that we traverse all of its elements which will result in poor performance! Instead, we’ll use cons to append onto the front of sorted which will result in a reverse sorted list as larger elements will be placed before smaller ones. We can then reverse this list in our base case before we append the remaining elements onto it to receive a final, sorted list.

(Note: when you trace merge sort’s execution by-hand, you do not need to take this detail into account. You can simply maintain regular sorted order and append onto the end of the sorted list. This is merely a technicality due to the nature of lists and the cons operator.)

  • To merge the elements of sorted lists l1 and l2 into a sorted list while maintaining a reverse-sorted` list of the elements:
    • If either l1 or l2 are empty, append the other list onto the end of the result of reversing reverse-sorted. (Note: this case covers the case when both l1 and l2 are empty!)
    • Otherwise, both l1 and l2 are non-empty. Let head1, tail1, head2, and tail2 be the heads and tails of l1 and l2, respectively.
      • If head1 head2, then cons head1 onto reverse-sorted and recursively merge tail1 and l2.
      • Otherwise, head2 < head1. Cons head2 onto reverse-sorted and recursively merge l1 and tail2.

Let’s implement this recursive skeleton and take it for a spin!

;;; (merge-helper l1 l2 reverse-sorted) -> list?
;;;   l1, l2: list?, sorted
;;;   reverse-sorted: list?, sorted in reverse order
;;; Merges the elements of l1, l2, and reverse-sorted into a single
;;; list in sorted order.
(define merge-helper
  (lambda (l1 l2 reverse-sorted)
    (match (pair l1 l2)
      [(pair null _) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l2)]
      [(pair _ null) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l1)]
      [(pair (cons head1 tail1)
             (cons head2 tail2))
       (if (<= head1 head2)
           (merge-helper tail1 l2 (cons head1 reverse-sorted))
           (merge-helper l1 tail2 (cons head2 reverse-sorted)))])))

(define merge
  (lambda (l1 l2)
    (merge-helper l1 l2 null)))

(merge (list 3 4 7 8) (list 2 5 6 9 10))

With merge defined, we can complete the recursive skeleton of merge sort:

  • To sort a list l:
    • If l is empty or contains one element, l is already sorted.
    • If l has at least two elements in it:
      • Divide l into two halves, l1 and l2, and sort them recursively.
      • Merge l1 and l2 into a sorted whole.

Believe it or not, that’s it! Recursion is quite powerful as long as we believe it can work. In terms of implementation, the only thing that remains is dividing the input list in half. We can accomplish this with length and a quick helper function that walks to a specified index of a list and returns the result of splitting the list in half at that index.

;;; (list-split l n) -> pair?
;;;   l: list?
;;;   n: integer?, a valid index into l
;;; Returns a pair of lists that is the result of splitting l
;;; at index n.
(define list-split
  (lambda (l n)
    (if (zero? n)
        (pair null l)
        (match l
          [null (error "list-split: index out of bound")]
          [(cons head tail)
           (let ([result (list-split tail (- n 1))])
             (pair (cons head (car result)) (cdr result)))]))))

;;; (list-split-half l) -> pair?
;;;   l: list?
;;; Returns a pair of lists that is the result of splitting l in half.
(define list-split-half
  (lambda (l)
    (list-split l (floor (/ (length l) 2)))))

(define merge-helper
  (lambda (l1 l2 reverse-sorted)
    (match (pair l1 l2)
      [(pair null _) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l2)]
      [(pair _ null) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l1)]
      [(pair (cons head1 tail1)
             (cons head2 tail2))
       (if (<= head1 head2)
           (merge-helper tail1 l2 (cons head1 reverse-sorted))
           (merge-helper l1 tail2 (cons head2 reverse-sorted)))])))

(define merge
  (lambda (l1 l2)
    (merge-helper l1 l2 null)))

(define merge-sort
  (lambda (l)
    (match l
      [null l]          ; the empty list case
      [(cons _ null) l] ; the one-element list case
      [_ (let* ([halves (list-split-half l)]
                [l1     (merge-sort (car halves))]
                [l2     (merge-sort (cdr halves))])
           (merge l1 l2))])))

(merge-sort (list 0 6 2 3 5 7 4 1 8 9 10))

Now that we’ve fully developed the algorithm, let’s trace the merge sort algorithm on this input list. From the definition of merge sort, we see that we:

  • Split the list in half (rounding down as per list-split-half’s floor call).
  • Recursively sort the two halves.
  • Merge the two halves into a sorted whole.

We already traced how the merge operation operates, so let’s just trace the behavior of the merge-sort calls themselves.

                [0, 6, 2, 3, 5, 7, 4, 1, 8, 9, 10]
             -->[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
                   /                         \
                  /                           \
          [0, 6, 2, 3, 5]               [4, 1, 8, 9, 10]
       -->[0, 2, 3, 5, 6]            -->[1, 4, 8, 9, 10]
            /      \                       /       \
           /        \                     /         \
      [0, 6]    [2, 3, 5]               [4, 1]    [8, 9, 10]
   -->[0, 6] -->[2, 3, 5]            -->[1, 4] -->[8, 9, 10]
      /   \      /    \                  /  \        /    \
    [0]   [6]  [2]  [3, 5]            [4]  [1]     [8]  [9, 10]
                 -->[3, 5]                           -->[9, 10]
                    /    \                             /     \
                  [3]    [5]                         [9]    [10]

Note how the calls to merge-sort form a binary tree. At each node, we show the input list and the result of sorting it at that point in the algorithm.

It looks complicated, much more complicated than insertion sort! Have we saved anything in terms of performance? While we are performing many more traversals of the lists, the operation that we are counting, comparisons, occurs exclusively in merge. In the worst case, we have to compare every every element of the two input lists to merge them together. Does this strategy beat out insert-sorted? Let’s instrument the code and find out!

(define count (vector 0))
(define inc-count (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 (+ 1 (vector-ref count 0)))))
(define get-count (lambda () (vector-ref count 0)))
(define reset-count! (lambda () (vector-set! count 0 0)))

(define list-split
  (lambda (l n)
    (if (zero? n)
        (pair null l)
        (match l
          [null (error "list-split: index out of bound")]
          [(cons head tail)
           (let ([result (list-split tail (- n 1))])
             (pair (cons head (car result)) (cdr result)))]))))

(define list-split-half
  (lambda (l)
    (list-split l (floor (/ (length l) 2)))))

(define merge-helper
  (lambda (l1 l2 reverse-sorted)
    (match (pair l1 l2)
      [(pair null _) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l2)]
      [(pair _ null) (append (reverse reverse-sorted) l1)]
      [(pair (cons head1 tail1)
             (cons head2 tail2))
         ; This is the only point where we perform a comparison!
         (if (<= head1 head2)
             (merge-helper tail1 l2 (cons head1 reverse-sorted))
             (merge-helper l1 tail2 (cons head2 reverse-sorted))))])))

(define merge
  (lambda (l1 l2)
    (merge-helper l1 l2 null)))

(define merge-sort
  (lambda (l)
    (match l
      [null l]          ; the empty list case
      [(cons _ null) l] ; the one-element list case
      [_ (let* ([halves (list-split-half l)]
                [l1     (merge-sort (car halves))]
                [l2     (merge-sort (cdr halves))])
           (merge l1 l2))])))

(define count-comparisons
  (lambda (l)
      (merge-sort l)

; insertion-sort: 0
(count-comparisons (range 1))
; insertion-sort: 10
(count-comparisons (range 5))
; insertion-sort 45
(count-comparisons (range 10))
; insertion-sort 1225
(count-comparisons (range 50))
; insertion-sort 4950
(count-comparisons (range 100))
; insertion-sort 19900
(count-comparisons (range 200))

Look at that difference! While it appears that merge sort, by virtue of its complexity, is doing more work than insertion sort, it performs much better as the size of the list grows! In a future course, you’ll formally analyze merge sort and its divide-by-conquer cousins, but it turns out that if \(n\) is the size of the input list, then merge sort performs (roughly) \(n \log{n}\) comparisons. This linearithmetic function, \(n \log{n}\) grows much slower than the quadratic function \(n^2\). For example, for the same list of a million elements, merge sort performs:

\[1000000 \times \log{1000000} \approx 19931569.\]

comparisons, orders of magnitude less than insertion sort!

Self checks

Check 1: Tracing sorts (‡)

Consider the following sequence of elements:

[1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5]

Give the step-by-step execution of the following sorting algorithms on this sequence:

a. Insertion sort assuming the sequence is stored in a list. Show the sorted and unsorted lists are updated through each step of the algorithm. b. Insertion sort assuming the sequence is stored in a vector. Show the single vector updated in-place by the algorithm, denoting which regions are the unsorted and sorted regions. c. Merge sort assuming the sequence is stored in a list. Show the tree of calls that merge sort recursively makes and the input and output of each call as demonstrated in the reading.

Check 2: Tracing list merging (‡)

Consider the following pair of sorted lists:

l1: [1, 3, 4, 5, 9]
l2: [2, 6, 7, 8, 10]

Give the step-by-step execution of the merge algorithm on this sequence as demonstrated in the reading.

Check 3: Best case scenario

In the reading, we discussed the worst case scenario for insertion sort, i.e., the shape of inputs to the algorithm that cause the most comparisons to occur. What is the best case scenario for insertion sort? In other words what kind of inputs will cause insertion sort to perform a minimal number of comparisons?