Transforming lists

We investigate a particular form of decomposition relevant in computing in which transformations over a collection of values are really transformations of the individual elements of the collection.

Imagine representing the collection of yearly salaries found at a startup using a simple list, for example:

(define salaries (list 100000 100000 50000 75000 500000))

And now imagine computing everyone’s updated salary after a standard cost-of-living ajustment (COLA). We might decompose this problem into the problem of computing one person’s updated salary. Let’s take the first person whom makes 100000 (units deliberately unspecified) as an example. The Social Security COLA for 2020 was %1.6, so we can calculate the updated salary using arithmetic:

(+ 100000 (* 100000 0.016))

And we can abstract this into a function that computes the updated salary when given a salary:

;;; Procedure:
;;;   compute-cola-salary
;;; Parameters:
;;;   salary, a Number
;;; Purpose:
;;;   Computes the cost-of-living-adjusted salary for an individual.
;;; Produces:
;;;   the updated salary, a Number
;;; Preconditions:
;;;   salary is a valid monetary amount (i.e., non-negative)
;;; Postconditions:
;;;   (compute-cola salary salary) is the COLA salary.
(define compute-cola-salary
  (lambda (salary) 
    (+ salary (* salary 0.016))))

Good! We can now calculate the updated salary for any person. However, how do we do this for a collection of salaries, a collection represented as a list?

Note that the calculation of each salary is independent of the other salaries. That is, someone’s adjusted salary only depends on their salary and not other salaries. In this situation, we simply want to apply our solution for a single person, compute-cola-salary, to every element of the list. We say that we want to lift the function compute-cola-salary from operating on a single salary to a list of salaries.

In Scheme, we realize the behavior of lifting a function to a list of values with the map function:

(define salaries (list 100000 100000 50000 75000 500000))

(define compute-cola-salary
  (lambda (salary)
    (+ salary (* salary 0.016))))

(map compute-cola-salary salaries)


Note that the map procedure does not affect the original list.

The map procedure

map is a powerful procedure! It allows to concisely describe how to transform the values of a list in terms of an operation over a single element of the list. Let’s break down how you use map.

map itself is a function of two arguments as seen in our above example.

  • The first argument is a function that transforms a single element of the list. By “transform”, we mean the function:

    • Takes as an input an element of the list.
    • Produces as an output the result of transforming that element.

    In our above example, compute-cola-salary is a function that transforms an old salary into a new, adjusted salary.

  • The second argument is a list that contains the elements that we wish to transform.

Any transformation function over salaries can be passed in to our call to map, for example, the startup might have gone public so everyone gets their salary doubled:

(define salaries (list 100000 100000 50000 75000 500000))

(define double-salary
  (lambda (salary)
    (* salary 2)))

(map double-salary salaries)

The startup might have hit a downturn and needs to reduce their salaries:

(define salaries (list 100000 100000 50000 75000 500000))

(define downsize
  (lambda (salary)
    (/ salary 2)))

(map downsize salaries)

Or worse yet, the downturn might be so bad that the startup needs to do the right thing and let go of its higher-earning employees to stay under budget:

(define salaries (list 100000 100000 50000 75000 500000))

(define should-keep
  (lambda (salary)
    (< salary 75000)))

(map should-keep salaries)

Observe that we have transformed our list of salaries into a list of booleans indicating whether we should keep the employee with that salary.

Transforming collections of data with map.

This last example alludes to the idea that map isn’t constrained to keep the type of the elements of the resulting list the same as the old list. Indeed, the power of the map is we can transform the list in arbitrary ways as long as those transformations are independent between list elements. As long as we can recognize the “collection” being transformed in our problem, we can write solutions in surprisingly elegant ways.

As an example, consider the following code that draws a collection of green circles beside each other:

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius)
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(beside (green-circle 20)
        (green-circle 40)
        (green-circle 60)
        (green-circle 40)
        (green-circle 20))

Using decomposition, we have organized this image as a bunch of green circles of different sizes. But look at that redundancy! Calling green-circle many times is undesirable: it takes time and effort to read and write the code. Furthermore, the “repetitive” nature of the image isn’t truly captured in the code. This keeps us from generalizing the function further, e.g., varying the numbers of green-circles in the figure.

However, if we instead decompose the problem as a transformation over lists, we’ll arrive at a better solution. But where is the list in this code? While there isn’t a list anywhere in the code for us to immediately map over, we do note that the image can be thought of as a collection of circles.

With this in mind, we can decompose the problem of generating a collection of circles into creating a single circle. The way we do this is with the green-circle function, passing in the desired size for one of the circles. The size is therefore the element we are transforming! We’re transforming a size into a circle by way of the green-circle function. We can then transform a collection of sizes into a collection of circles by lifting green-circle using map:

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius)
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(define circles (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)))


Working with lists of values

We aren’t done yet! This isn’t a single image composed of a bunch of green circles. This is a list of green circles of different sizes (note the (list ... ) surrounding the circles).

As with the original version of the code, we need to use beside to combine the circles. However, if we simply pass this expression to beside, we get an error:

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius)
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(define circles (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)))

(beside circles)

Why does this error occur? Let’s think carefully about the types of the values involved:

  • beside is a function that takes a collection of images, one per argument, e.g., (beside image1 image2 image3 image4 image5). Each argument is a single image.
  • circles is defined to be (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)) which is a list of images.

Finally, consider the complete expression (besides circles). Each argument to besides should be a single image but circles is a list of images instead. That’s where our error arises!

Ultimately, we have to someone pass in each image in the list circles to each argument position of besides. How do we do this? It turns out we have to employ an additional standard library function of Scheme to do this, apply.

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius)
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(define circles (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)))

(apply beside circles)

More generally, apply is a helpful standard library function when working with lists of arguments. apply takes two arguments:

  • A function to run or apply on a collection of arguments.
  • The collection of arguments to apply to the function, stored in a list.

As a simpler example of apply, consider the simple (+) function which can take any number of arguments:

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)

While (+) takes any number of arguments, it cannot take a single list as an argument:

(+ (list 1 2 3 4 5))

To pass this list of numbers to (+), we can use the apply function:

(apply + (list 1 2 3 4 5))

Pause for reflection

So let’s summarize the image code we’ve written:

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius) 
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(define circles
  (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)))

(define circles-besides
  (apply beside circles))


We’ve decomposed the problem of drawing the circles not as a series of repeated calls to green-circles but as a collection that is the result of transforming the sizes of the circles into green circles. While this interpretation may have come less naturally to you, I would argue that once you understand transformations with map that this is a more readable and concise solution to the problem.

As a final note, I’ll mention that it is more flexible, too. For example, there’s nothing special about the fact that we wanted the circles besides each other. The following modified code leverages our abstractions to get a different effect with minimal effort:

(import image)

(define green-circle
  (lambda (radius) 
    (circle radius "solid" "green")))

(define circles
  (map green-circle (list 20 40 60 40 20)))

(apply above circles)

This is the power of decomposition in action! In particular, if we use appropriate abstractions, we can create highly reusable code that both captures our intent but can be used in other contexts with minimal modification.

Thinking with types

As you’ve likely discovered already, it is important that we use the correct types when we run our procedures. With both map and apply, we have to think a bit more deeply about types.

What are the types of the inputs to map?

That’s a real question. Take a minute and think about it.

We mean it.

Hopefully, you said something like

map takes two inputs. The first is a procedure. The second is a list of values.

But there’s more to it than that. There’s a relationship between the procedure and the list of values. In particular, the procedure much be applicable to each value in the list. Let’s consider two simple examples.

You may remember that square computes the square of a number and string-upcase converts a string to upper case.

(square 5)
(string-upcase "quiet")

If we’re using map, we should use square with lists of numbers and string-upcase with lists of numbers.

(range 6)
(map square (range 6))
(string-split "please be quiet not loud" " ")
(map string-upcase (string-split "please be quiet not loud" " "))

But what happens if we don’t match types? Let’s see.

(map square (string-split "please be quite not loud" " "))
(map string-upcase (range 6))

You’ll note that we get errors. Are they the errors you expected? It might be nicer if Scamper more explicitly told us that the elements of the list were not the correct types for the procedure. But it’s done that in its own way.

What if we do something even stranger, such as writing something other than a procedure in the procedure position, or something other than a list in the list position? Let’s try.

(map 5 (list 1 2 3))
(map square 5)

It’s good to see that these error messages are clear. Let’s do our best to remember those so that when we see them, we know what’s gone wrong.

Next, let’s move on to apply. Like map, apply takes a procedure and a list as parameters. While map applies the procedure element by element, apply applies the procedure to the elements en masse, as it were.

(apply * (list 2 3 4))
(apply string-append (list "this" "and" "that"))

Once again, we should see what happens if we give incorrect types.

(apply * (list 2 3 4))
(apply string-append (list "this" "and" "that"))
(apply * (list "this" "and" "that"))
(apply * (list 2 3 "four"))
(apply string-append (list 2 3 4))
(apply 2 (list 2 3 4))
(apply 2 3)
(apply + 2 3 4)

We will need to practice reading error messages like those. But each is saying, in essence, “you got the types wrong”.

Mental models: Tracing map and apply

As we’ve seen, it’s useful to be able to trace our Scheme code by hand to consider what Scheme is doing (or at least what we think it’s doing) and, therefore, why we get the results or errors that we do. And you already know many aspects of the mental model for doing so, particularly the rule that you evaluate arguments before applying a procedure and that you use substitution for user-defined procedures.

For map, we use the rule “Replace (map PROC (list VAL0 VAL1 ...)) with (list (PROC VAL0) (PROC VAL1) ...).”

For apply, we use the rule “Replace (apply PROC (list VAL0 VAL1 ...)) with (PROC VAL0 VAL1 ...).

So let’s try an example.

(define dub
  (lambda (x)
    (* 2 x)))

;     (apply + (map dub (range 3 8 2)))
; --> (apply + (map dub (list 3 5 7)))
; --> (apply + (list (dub 3) (dub 5) (dub 7)))
; --> (apply + (list 6 (dub 5) (dub 7)))
; --> (apply + (list 6 10 (dub 7)))
; --> (apply + (list 6 10 14))
; --> (+ 6 10 14)
; --> 30

Note that when we’re working with lists, it’s helpful to explicitly write (list ...), which reminds us that we’re dealing with a list and not an expression to further evaluate.

While we’ll rarely write out all of these steps, it helps to keep them in mind as we think about what map and apply are doing. And we will, on occasion, pull out a piece of paper (or an electronic document) to think through part of the steps of an evaluation.


Self-check 1 (Differences) (‡)

Write a function decrement that takes an integer as input and returns an integer one less than the input.

Now use decrement and map to write an expression that decrements the contents of the following list three times:

(define example-list (list 10 20 30 40 50))