List Motions

Our recursive skeleton gives us a framework for writing recursive functions over lists. This is an algorithmic perspective on problem solving. We have identified an algorithmic technique, recursion, and built a system for developing programs that use that technique.

In contrast, it is beneficial to develop perspectives on problem solving that are data-centric in nature. In particular, we frequently express our solutions to problems in terms of manipulating lists, e.g.,

  • Traverse a list to sum its elements.
  • Insert an element at a particular position in a list.
  • Delete the first occurrence of an element from the list.

Thus, it is beneficial to have in our toolbox, the ability to write variants of these fundamental motions over the data structure in question. For our purposes, these motions become particular patterns of recursive programming over lists that are useful to understand and internalize.


Our basic recursive skeleton itself performs a traversal over a list. For example, in computing the length of a list:

(define length
  (lambda (lst)
    (match lst
      [null 0]
      [(cons _ tail) (+ 1 (length tail))])))

(test-case "length empty"
           (length null))

(test-case "length non-empty"
           (length (range 12)))

We necessarily walk every element of the list! More specifically, the combination of:

  1. Peeling off the head of the list in the recursive case.
  2. Recursively analyzing the tail of the list.

Is how we walk the list and process each element, one-by-one.


To insert an element into the list, we can traverse to a particular position and then use cons to add an element to the front. For example, here is a function that inserts a character in front of the first occurrence of another character in a list. (insert-before c1 c2 lst) inserts c1 before the first occurrence of c2 in lst or at the end of the list if lst does not contain c2. First, here’s the recursive decomposition:

To insert c1 before c2 inside of lst:

  • If lst is empty, then c2 is definitely not inside of lst. We insert c1 into this list, yielding the list just containing c1.
  • If lst is non-empty, then:
    • If the head is equal to c1, then return lst but with c1 at the front.
    • If the head is not equal to c1, then return the result of inserting c1 before c2 inside the tail of the list and add the head back onto the front of that result.

Observe how we have carefully expressed the “work” of the recursive decomposition—looking for c2 inside of lst—in terms of the head and tail of the list.

Now, let’s look at the implementation:

(define insert-before
  (lambda (c1 c2 lst)
    (match lst
      [null (list c1)]
      [(cons head tail)
       (if (equal? head c2)
           (cons c1 lst)
           (cons head (insert-before c1 c2 tail)))])))

(test-case "insert-before empty"
           (list #\!)
           (insert-before #\! #\c null))

(test-case "insert-before non-empty"
           (list #\a #\b #\! #\c #\d)
           (insert-before #\! #\c (list #\a #\b #\c #\d)))

In the recursive case, we perform different behavior depending on whether head is the character we are looking to insert before in lst.

  • If head is c2, then we insert c1 by using cons to insert into the front of the list.
  • If head is not c2, then we recursively insert into the tail, making sure to append head onto the result.

This last bit of behavior is important! Observe how insert-before works step-by-step:

    (insert-before #\! #\c (list #\a #\b #\c #\d)))
--> (cons #\a (insert-before #\! #\c (list #\b #\c #\d)))
--> (cons #\a (cons #\b (insert-before #\! #\c (list #\c #\d)))
--> (cons #\a (cons #\b (cons #\! (list #\c #\d))))
--> (cons #\a (cons #\b (list #\! #\c #\d)))
--> (cons #\a (list #\b #\! #\c #\d))
--> (list #\a #\b #\! #\c #\d)

Notice how in the execution of insert-before we broke apart the list and then built it back up. In other languages, we could directly modify the input list to contain the element in the desired position, e.g., with indexing. However, in pure, functional languages like Scheme/Scamper, we have to destruct the list (with match) and then reconstruct the list with the desired modification. The modification, insertion in this case, is achieved with a precise call to cons at the correct point in the list. To reconstruct the list, we need to make sure to restore every head element we peel off with a corresponding cons call.


Because we are destructing and reconstructing the list during recursive traversal, deletion is performed by omission. To “delete” an element from a list, we simply need to not cons it back in as we reconstruct the list. For example, (delete-first x lst) returns lst but with the first occurrence of x removed, if it occurs in lst at all.

(define delete-first
  (lambda (x lst)
    (match lst
      [null null]
      [(cons head tail)
       (if (equal? head x)
           (cons head (delete-first x tail)))])))

(test-case "delete-first empty"
           (delete-first 0 null))

(test-case "delete-first non-empty"
           (list 3 1 8 2)
           (delete-first 0 (list 3 1 0 8 2)))

In the recursive case, we test to see if head is equal to the element we are looking for, x. If we find it, then we delete it by simply not consing it onto our result. This means we are left with returning the tail of the list unmodified. As we return from subsequent recursive calls, we will then cons the peeled-off heads onto the front of the list in the order they were received.

    (delete-first 0 (list 3 1 0 8 2))
--> (cons 3 (delete-first 0 (list 1 0 8 2)))
--> (cons 3 (cons 1 (delete-first 0 (list 0 8 2))))
--> (cons 3 (cons 1 (list 8 2)))
--> (list 3 (list 1 8 2))
--> (list 3 1 8 2)


Problem: Replace-First, (‡)

Write a function (replace-first x y lst) that returns lst but replaces the first occurrence of x with y inside of lst. If x is not in lst, then lst is returned.

> (replace-first 0 100 (list 1 8 0 9 5))
(list 1 8 100 9 5)

> (replace-first 0 100 null)