List basics

We consider some basic issues of Scheme’s list data type, which is used to collect multiple values. We explore the ways to create lists and a few operations used to manipulate lists.


In your initial explorations with Scheme you have investigated a variety of basic types of data, including numbers, strings, and images. You can work on many kinds of problems with just these types. However, when you want to address more complex problems, particularly problems from data science, you will need to work with collections of data - not just the rating of a movie from one newspaper, but the rating of that movie from many newspapers (or even the ratings of many movies from many newspapers); not just one word, but a sequence of words.

In Scheme, the simplest mechanism for dealing with collections of data is the list data type. Lists are collections of values that you can process one-by-one or en masse. In this reading, we will consider Scheme’s list data type as well as a few procedures to build and manipulate lists. We will return to lists in a near future.

You may recall that there are five basic issues we should consider when we encounter a new type: its name, its purpose, how one expresses values in the type, how the computer displays values in the type, and what operations are available to you. (It may seem that we are repeating this list of issues; that’s because we want you to accustom yourself to asking about those five issues each time you encounter or design a new type.)

We’ve already covered the first two: The name of the type is “list” and its primary purpose is to group or collect values. Let’s explore the rest.

Displaying lists

What does a list value look like? We have already seen several examples of lists as the result of functions from the standard library. For example, string->list produces a list of characters from a string:

(string->list "hello world!")

Observe the result of this function call. In Scamper, we display a list as a finished call to the list function. Each of the arguments are the values stored in that list. We can observe this distinction in the following example:

(list (+ 1 1) (string-length "hello world!") 32)

Note how the resulting list contains the values 2 (the result of (+ 1 1)), 12 (the result of string-length) and 32.

As a historical note (and perhaps a forewarning if we forget to modify the readings!), in Scheme, a list is displayed in a different way: a parenthesized list of values starting with an apostrophe, also called a tick. For example, the result of (string->list "hello world!") in Racket would be:

> (string->list "hello world!")
'(#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o #\space #\w #\o #\r #\l #\d #\!)

To avoid throwing more syntax at you, we elect to use the function form of list to represent list values in Scamper.

Creating lists

Because lists play a central role in Scheme, there a wide variety of ways to create lists. One common way to create lists is with the (list exp0 exp1 ...) procedure, which evaluates all of its parameters and creates a list from those parameters.

(list 2 3 5 7)
(list "two" "three" "five" "seven")
(list 1 (+ 2 3) 4)
(list 1 (list + 2 3) 4)
(list 1 (list (+ 2 3)) 4)

If you need a list of identical values for some reason, you can use the (make-list n val) procedure, which takes two parameters: the number of copies of a value to make in the list and the particular value to copy.

(make-list 5 "hello")
(make-list 2 4)
(make-list 4 2)

Because we often find that we need a sequence of numbers, Scheme includes a procedure called (range n) that takes an integer n as input produces a list numbers from 0 up to n, exclusive.

(range 7)
(range 4)

Some list operations

Perhaps the simplest list operation is (length lst), which gives you the number of elements in the list.

(length (list))
(length (list 3 4 5))
(length (string-split "he took his vorpal sword in hand" " "))

You can also extract an element of a list using the (list-ref list index) operation. In Scheme, the position of an element is the number of values that appear before that element; hence, the initial element of a list is element 0, not element 1.

(define observation (list "Computers" "are" "sentient" "and" "Malicious"))
(list-ref observation 0)
(list-ref observation 2)
(length observation)
(list-ref observation 4)
(list-ref observation 5)

The (index-of val lst) procedure serves as something like the opposite of list-ref: Given a list and an element, it returns the position (index) of the first instance of that element.

(define lead-in (list "a" "one" "and" "a" "two" "and" "a" "..."))
(index-of lead-in "one")
(index-of lead-in "and")
(list-ref lead-in (index-of lead-in "and"))

The (reverse lst) procedure creates a new list that consists of the same elements as lst, but in the opposite order.

(reverse (range 10))
(reverse (list "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"))

The (append lst1 lst2) procedure creates a new list that consists of all the elements of the first list followed by the elements of the second list.

(append (range 5) (range 5))
(append (make-list 3 "hello") (make-list 4 "echo"))

The (list-take lst n) procedure builds a new list that consists of the first n elements of lst and the (list-drop lst n) procedure builds a list by removing the first n elements of lst.

(define some-ia-counties
  (list "Adair" "Adams" "Alamakee" "Appanoose" "Audobon"))
(list-take some-ia-counties 3)
(list-drop some-ia-counties 3)
(list-take (reverse some-ia-counties) 2)

Self Checks

Check 1: Checking list procedures (‡)

Predict the results of evaluating each of the following expressions.

(list 2 1)
(make-list 1 2)
(make-list -1 2)
(append (list 2 1) (list 2 1))
(index-of (list "a" "b") "a")
(index-of (list "a" "b") "c")
(range 3)
(range 0)

Check 2: Ranges, revisited

How could we make the list (list 6 5 4 3) with range in conjunction with other standard library list functions?