Lab: Booleans values, predicates, and conditionals

Friday, 8 September 2023
In this lab, you will have the opportunity to explore the use of predicates as well as Scheme’s three primary conditional control operations, if, when, and cond.

We may have reached the point in which you need fewer instructions. So let’s give it a try.

We will use the now-standard approach for this lab. The person who arrived at the computer first is side A. The other person is side B.

Start by making a copy of the code.

Then follow the instructions in the file.

The note “#| A |#” in the code file means that A should become driver. The note “#| B |#” in the code file means that B should become driver. The note “#| AB |#” usually designates a section that both sides should read and/or think about.

Don’t forget to submit the file on Gradescope, to include your partner when submitting, and to email the code to your partner.